The blind eye of the celebrities: the case of Mexico

During last months we've seen several Mexican celebrities showing endorsement for “Venezuela” and the “people” of Venezuela. But where were this well-meaning TV Stars when police and the military killed students in Mexico?

Top talk show presenter Laura Bozzo took some time on February 17 to condemn “communist” like Maduro, live on TELEVISA. Her show is one of the most watched in Mexico and TELEVISA the biggest Spanish-spoken company of the world. Top folk singer Marco Antonio Solis “El Buki” said on February 20, he supported “Venezuela”. When celebrities say “the people” of Venezuela “is not alone”, the media take it like support for anti-Maduro protesters, as if no common citizens were supporting President Maduro. The web page of “El UNIVERSAL” -the most visited news site in Mexico- linked “El Buki” claims to the violence against “students peaceful protest”even when we know from the very beginning those protest were not peaceful. Top Mexican soccer player “Chicharito” Hernandez tweeted his support for “freedom” in Venezuela on February 24. He's not just the most famous soccer player but the most famous athlete of Mexico today -now playing for Manchester United- and till that moment he had never demonstrated support for any political cause. During a game in Honduras in 2013, alpinist Leonardo Fernandez carrying a sign of the left wing Mexican movement “MORENA” tried to greet “Chicharito” and he refused it.

Neither “Chicharito” Hernandez, nor “El Buki” said anything when 2 students of the Ayotzinapa Teachers School were killed by the Mexican police in 2009 when they were asking for scholarships. No one said anything when Juan Francisco Kuykendall was shot in the head while protesting during the sworn-in of President Enrique Peña Nieto in 2012. Kuykendall died on January this year after almost 2 years of agony as result of his wounds, all Mexican celebrities and TELEVISA remained silent, as if nothing happened.

Former Mexican president Felipe Calderon of the right wing party PAN was ready to condemn criminalization of protest in Venezuela, on February 14, even when he did not hesitate to use the Federal Police to arrest Oaxaca State social Leaders and to continue repression against APPO movement on 2007. Even more, on 2010 two young Mexican postgraduate students of the ITESM (Monterrey Institute of Technology) were killed by the Mexican army who took them for drug cartel hitmen. Mr Calderon government went by without solving these murders despite complains of Human Rights Watch. No Mexican celebrity has ever asked for the truth and justice for these victims.

Top TV-historian Enrique Krauze criticized Dilma Rousseff on February 25 for supporting “repressive regimen”. He has never called “repressive regime” to Peña Nieto government for the use of tear gas and a water cannon against Mexican teachers that were meeting at the Zocalo of Mexico City on 2013 demanding an agreed Educative Reform instead of an imposed one.

This is why recent burst of support to Venezuela from Mexican celebrities seems artificial. It makes no sense in the context of the recent history. Maybe some kind of never seen humanitarian enlightenment has come over our TV Stars at the same time or this amazing synchronous concert is driven from a more worldly pressure.

I'll go with second, just Occam's razor